Monday, November 30, 2009

A Public Service Announcement

I have one more post about Global Warming that I'll unleash tomorrow, and then will hang it up for a while. 20 posts on the subject in the last week and a half is too much, even for me. All of you have been showing the patience of saints.

A more sane blogging schedule will resume tomorrow.


  1. No, no--keep going. You have been explaining the issues, facts, and findings faster and better than anyone else out there. You're the guy we've been directing our traffic to!

  2. Borepathc,

    I agree with the Czar.

    Keep going, IF you want to. I haven't dug into all the information so getting the recap from you has been beneficial.

    The more this information is out there, the harder it is for the AGW crowd to claim it is a non-issue.

  3. Well, I'm sure gonna miss it. Mainstream media is avoiding the topic like poison... a story full of scandal and they decide not to touch it; it makes no sense. The fix seems to be in ... science, The Chicago Way.

    Ted, you are an educated guy with a background that gives insight to this mess. If I blog about it, I'm just a lowbrow denier spouting off. You blogging about it... that has something we can hang our hats on. You have been fair; when you speculate, you label it as speculation. It's a great series that I look forward to reading.

    Besides, the story is going to get super slick when the forensics come in on who hacked the information.

  4. John Lott's blog is another site I turn to for inconvenient truth.

    Ted, your posts on this stuff are great. Give it a rest if you must, but please don't give it up.

  5. BP, this stuff is great. It's unfortunate that Instapundit or some other big blog doesn't link to it. You've done a terrific job explaining this in terms that anyone can understand.


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