Friday, November 27, 2009

Or I could just write it up for Scientific American

You have to watch all the way through to the end for the punchline. To understand just how brutal that punchline is, you need to visit Scientific American, to see their editorial response to ClimateGate. It's not the editorial which is brutal, but the comments - at least 50% of them are in the "Scientific American should be ashamed of itself" category.

Hat tip: Megan McArdle, where the comments are running ~90% in favor of "scientific fraud". The most interesting one deals with the MSM's reaction:
So why can't, or won't, the climate change community mount a more compelling defense?
I think that answers itself. We are getting a chance to see the raw data and in every case, the long term warming trends have vanished.
The problem is, it's still not intellectually respectable to recognize the fraud as what it is in certain media social circles. You'll be branded a Beck or worse. So you won't see people in the media admitting it until it's safe for all of them to do so. Then, suddenly, one day nobody will have ever believed in it, just as nobody walks around saying "Boy, that population bomb stuff sure suckered me in!"
That's someone who knows how sausage is made.


  1. I initially wrote that they are clueless, but I don't think it's that simple. SA continues to perpetuate the official scientific line that the globe is getting warmer. It would seem that to do so, they are relying on the same data that has just been shown to be unreliable. At best, unreliable, if not downright fraudulent.

    It's the politicization of science, which is just part of the ever increasing fantasy world that most on the left live in. Iraq was bad, then it was good, Afghanistan was good, but now it's bad. And so on.

    The science on Global Warming is settled. I hear the left use that term a lot, only I don't think it means what they think it means.

  2. The arrogance and cries of, "It's the fossil-fuel industry!" fingerpointing by SA is genuinely alarming - by that they have clearly become a part of the Media (re-)trumpet Noise Machine.

    By the same token we can easily say, "It's the Socialist Green Carbon-Taxing Energy CArpetbaggers!"


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