Monday, November 16, 2009

Apple patents Annoyware

Just because something can be done doesn't mean it should be. While Apple creates some of the best design work the world has ever seen, there's a limit to what even they can try to do. Insanely great doesn't describe everything that comes out of Infinite Loop:

Apple has filed a patent application for an intrusive ad-presentation system that requires users to acknowledge adverts before getting on with their work.

The recent patent filing carries the unusually straightforward title "Advertisement in Operating System." The described system would be buried deep in a device's OS - so deep that, in the words of the filing, "the advertisement presentation can in effect 'take over the system' in relevant aspects for a limited time."

Ignore that this essentially institutionalizes remote exploits (you just serve them up via Doubleclick), you have to wonder who would be so desperate for Apple's latest techpr0n to put up with this?

1 comment:

  1. I wonder, would Apple and M$ be that stupid?

    Ubuntu is getting closer and closer to being not only a viable option, but an attractive one from the beginning.

    Ironically, Apple might be a significant benefactor: Once people realize that learning a new OS isn't that difficult, they'll be that much better equipped to appreciate Ubuntu et al.



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