Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today I sent money to the Stupid Party

As I've said before, I'm not a conservative. I've also been pretty clear over time about my opinion of the Republican Stupid Party. Just type "stupid party" into the nifty new Search widgit on the right to check.

But today I sent them money. The Democratic Contemptible Party made me:
Obama's decision is complicated by a deepening domestic political divide and no guarantee of success whichever option he chooses. One observer, characterizing the president's dilemma at its most extreme, said: "He can send more troops and it will be a disaster and he will destroy the Democratic Party. Or he can send no more troops and it will be a disaster and the Republicans will say he lost the war."
Let me say this using simple words, so that even a Democrat can understand me.

Our country, our war, our troops.

Not "Republican" or "Democrat". Ours. Scoop Jackson understood that. Joe Lieberman did, too. Damn right they'll say you lost the war. They'll be right.

If you can't figure out that we have to win the war against the @ssholes who sheltered the people who attacked us, then get the hell out of Dodge.

And I'm sending a care package to Soldier's Angels in Germany, who have a lot more of Our Boys back from the front than they had expected. You should, too.

Note to the Contemptible Party: Our Boys. Ours.

Hat tip: The Corner.

1 comment:

  1. We're likely to lose this war. Just like the last one. Just like any football team that decides to only try hard on defense.

    We are throwing the men away. Not to mention the equipment we are wearing out with no plan to replace. It is such a perfect plan for long term failure it looks deliberate.

    And since I learned long ago not to point out a problem without a solution, I 'll offer one. It's the LeMay/Patton plan for victory.
    See my blog tomorrow.


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