Friday, September 4, 2009

So just how useful is that shotgun, anyway

This much:

OMFG Best weapon ever!!!!1!!one!


  1. Come on... the shotgun in Halo and Halo 2 is a wonderful tool - the Flood are essentially zeds, and as your graph indicates, the zOMFG tool for zeds is the shotty.

    Pardon my g4m3r slang.

  2. Actually, Scotaku, you make a lot of sense,

  3. I've used the shotgun (trench gun) quite a bit in COD: World at War. It makes for a good tool in clearing some of the trenches.

  4. The shotguns in COD Modern Warfare rock pretty hard too, for any of the indoor runs. I'm particularly fond of the semi-auto :)

  5. Really the big question is how well they replicated the performance of a shotgun to it's real-world counterpart.

    They're totally brutal in close-range fights against unarmored attackers.

    BTW back in my Halo playing day I was pretty decent with the shotgun in PvP


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