Sunday, September 13, 2009

Quote of the Day

Via Don Surber, from Sheriff Oliver Boyer in response to an irate complaint:
The Jefferson County sheriff has offered a stern response to a woman complaining she was inconvenienced by a procession accompanying a soldier's casket.

The woman wrote an e-mail to Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer after she had a hard time driving around the procession escorting the casket of Sgt. William Woods, who was killed by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.
That was background, not quote. Here's Sheriff Boyer, at the end of a log and exceptionally patient reply that tells the story of the fallen soldier:
My mother recently passed away. She was a World War II Veteran, serving the U.S. Army. She would say, maybe you should pick up Sergeant Woods’ ruck sack and carry on where he left off. Then you could see first hand what it really is to be inconvenienced.

And in a just world, Sheriff Boyer would not keep the woman's name confidential as he insists on doing. The First Amendment recognizes her right to speak, not her right to approbation.

God Speed, Sgt. Woods. Et lux perpetua luceat eis.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. I wish I had a nickle for every time I've had to bite my tongue in response to someone that is convinced that the world revolves around them.

    It would serve her right if her name was publicized - But it doesn't really surprise me that the sheriff declined to out her.


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