Monday, September 21, 2009

On this day in history

In 1327, Edward II Plantagenet, by Grace of God King of England, etc passed on in Berkeley Castle. By "passed on," I mean was murdered with a red-hot fireplace poker shoved where the sun don't shine.

All I can say is this happened to a Gay man in the heart of Berkeley (Castle). Nancy Pelosi's right - all of this hate speech from Roger Mortimer and Queen Isabella Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin is getting out of control.

Me, I blame Dick Cheney.


  1. Verily... Ouch.

    It's also H.G. Well's birthday.

  2. Nah, had to be Rove.
    Cheney's too much of a nice guy.


  3. Well, at least they didn't waterboard him.


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