Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Microsoft claims Linux stinks

It seems that Linux is not compatible with Microsoft® Windows® Live Essentials™. Srlsy:

As the launch of Windows 7 approaches, Microsoft is distributing literature to American retailers claiming that Linux works with few peripherals or online services, offers limited software capability, affords no authorized support, does not work with games "your customers want," and cannot use video chat on any of the major IM networks.

"What most customers want" is Windows, the literature says, not Linux.

In other New Of The Unexpected, Miller Brewing says customers want both great taste and less filling.

Look, I don't want to hate on the Boys From Redmond, so we'll keep this brief. Microsoft certainly has a lot of experience with problem Operating Systems:
Vista Device Support Problems (19 Million pages)

Vista Software incompatibility
(121 Million pages)

Why is Windows Mobile Device Support in Vista so poor?

Video chat on Linux with Skype

How to run games on Linux
And oh yeah:
Vista is The Most Secure Windows Ever

Did we mention free?
Now as I said, I'm not hatin' on the Boys From Redmond, because I would have done the links via Bing*. But Microsoft Marketing thinks that you're a low watt bulb.

* As of the time of this writing, the picture on the Bing home page shows pigs jumping over a hurdle. I am not making this up.


  1. Bing?? Not much of a challenge to Google I'm afraid. If you do a comparative Image search on "red dot range time" there's really NO comparison.

  2. So here I am, running Firefox on Jaunty, reading about that in the maximumpc article. If I didn't need it for a couple of particular apps, I wouldn't have a Windows partition at all.

    Microsoft: Because you suck as bad as our products, and either way we hate you. We think you're dumb, too.


  3. DirtCrashr, I'm feeling the hate. ;-)

    Reflectoscope, I'm really feeling the hate. ;-)

  4. To paraphrase my teenagers, "Whatever." I'm running 9.04 on the desktop, and as soon as I can figure out the partitioning business, it's going on the company laptop.

    That is of course if I don't find a junker laptop somewhere first.

    Did I tell you guys how I resuscitated an older desktop for my kids with linux? Shhhh, don't tell Redmont about it, but the kids say there is little difference between Open Office and Office suite, and dad didn't have to pay through the nose!

    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
    PeTA: Purveyors of Stalinism

  5. BING: I have been using bing since it came out. As a search engine, I think it still has a ways to go. I really do like the pictures they have up everyday with the quirky facts. For searching, I have always liked dogpile.

    Vista: First, let me say I really like Linux and opensource software. The big reason I don't use linux is because of software incompatibility. Which borepatch pointed out that there are 121 Million pages regarding Vista Software incompatibility.

    Well, to keep a long post less long, mostly all operating systems have problems. Often security problems are not because of the operating system, but software that has been added on that had issues. Keeping any operating up to date is key to preventing security issues.

    Microsoft seems to get more bad press than any of the others. I think if you were to look at a ratio of the number problems reported to the number of deployments, all operating systems would be about the same.

  6. The way I see it is, nobody likes competition, especially when there is money at stake and when they have enjoyed being pretty much a monopoly for so long.

    I guess they don't want to share the market with anybody else...LOL

  7. If Microsoft dominated the market because they made a superior product and no-one *wanted* to use anything else, that'd be fine with me.

    This however is not the case.



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