Friday, September 25, 2009

Hide the (digital) evidence

Not that you'd ever need to do this, of course, but where do you keep digital stuff that the Fed.Gov (or your mom) would disapprove of? Some place like this:

Especially if you're a nerd, tossing this into a bucket of Lego bricks is likely to give you a hiding place that people will overlook. Unless they have a portable metal detector.

It seems that the recent terror bust was due to evidence gathered from the suspect's computer.

Note to the Federales: bring a metal detector on the next terror bust.

Hat tip: Andrew, via email.


  1. Looking at the odd stuff at Geekologie is about as high-tech as I get. One of my favorite posts there, though, is the odd USB drives they find. People make those up to look like pretty much ANYTHING... pretty cool.

  2. Hasn't anyone told the muslims about Truecrypt? I mean really, you could make an encrypted volume, name it winsys32.vol and put it in the win32 folder and no one would ever notice it. If they did, and you had a halfway decent password, you would die of old age before it got cracked.

    Storing bomb making plans in MSWord files in your MyDocuments folder? Why not just put them on your Facebook page? You are going to jail for stupid.


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