Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Great security article about "Scareware"

People are getting hip to the old spam and Physhing attacks ("Hello. My name is Mr.Moses Odiaka.I work in the credit and accounts department of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc,Lagos, Nigeria."). As the old methods become less effective, new ones are introduced.

Scareware is the hottest trend in malware. Rather than appealing to greed, it appeals to fear. Since people (rightly) expect that they will be the target of viruses, Scareware masquerades as an antivirus scanner. Of course, it is the virus.

Zero Day has a fabulous article about Scareware - what it is, how it works, what it looks like, and what you can do to protect yourself. If you run Windows (and even if you don't), this is a must read.

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