Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blogroll Addition

I keep telling people to email me if they blogroll me, as I'm happy to reciprocate. Well, today someone did just that.

#1 Son.

And his first post is a comparison of Ubuntu to Google's gOS. Nice quick summary, too. Do me a favor and click through, to give him some hits.

Excuse me while I get all proud-of-my-boy ...

And welcome to the Borepatch blogroll, #1 Son!

UPDATE 29 September 2009 13:55: You know, the world is a strange place when you can even plausibly have the thought "If you clean up your room, and are nicer to your brother, we'll see about blogrolling you."

UPDATE 29 September 2009 17:29: gOS isn't from Google.


  1. Sometimes I just crack myself up. Go check his comments.

  2. Whoops.

    I Blogrolled you a few days ago.


    ...and Visual verification for this message is..

    wait for it...



    I swear. Irony; Gotta love it.

  3. He's off to a good start. Of course, you'll have to take him aside and explain the advantages of a black font over a white background to aging eyes.


  4. @Bob

    Really? I always thought white text over a dark background was more comfortable to see.

    Learned it from this guy.


  5. Oh and @Dad

    Although it runs Google Desktop Addons, gOS isn't made by Google.

  6. White on medium blue always works best for me.

    You know, the world is a strange place when you can even plausibly have the thought "If you clean up your room, and are nicer to your brother, we'll see about blogrolling you."

    "The Universe is not only queerer than we imagine, it is queerer than we can imagine." -- J.B.S. Haldane

  7. So you're *LITERALLY* his blogfather.


    Figure I've got a few years before TheBoy starts blogging.

    If I'm lucky...


Remember your manners when you post. Anonymous comments are not allowed because of the plague of spam comments.