Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Whatever you do, don't tell the public!

They think that scientists are largely neutral, politically-speaking:

2% of scientists describe themselves as "conservative". So what wingnut organization is pushing this study? The Heritage Foundation? The Federalist Society? John Birch?

The American Association for the Advancement of Science. It was published in their house organ, Science Magazine (although the article is behind their pay firewall).

Two percent. Remember, the US is split roughly into thirds, Democrat/Republican/Independent. Read the whole thing at Overcoming Bias, and especially the comments: the number of people with a touching faith that this is the Natural Order Of Things is quite impressive. It's sweet, really.

Of course, there are other explanations as to sources of bias in the Academy. And Science's track record on openness and transparency lately has left a lot to be desired.

Via TJICistan, who tartly adds:
I am not one of those who subscribe to the belief that this is evidence that leftism is scientifically justified; I am one of those who subscribe to the belief that most scientists don’t know jack shit about economics, freedom, or philosophy.

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