Monday, August 17, 2009

I'll take "Crazy Lego Construction Projects" for $500, Alex

You can make anything with Lego. Specifically, if you have 200,000 Lego blocks, and empty room, and 6 years with nothing to do, you can make a 1:40 scale model of the Imperial Battleship Yamato.

Don't try this at home. Unless you have 200,000 bricks, an empty room, and 6 years on your hand.


  1. They make Lego cannons?

    Wait a minute...I'm going to get a better look at DT's. :)


  2. Impressive piece of work.

    Sucky choice for background music, though. "Pirates of the Caribbean?" I think not. "Victory at Sea" would have been better.

  3. Wolfwalker, that's a great idea.

  4. That is pure awesome geekery right there. The scale is simply staggering.

  5. On the other hand, you can make a F4U Corsair, the plane that sank the Yamoto, in about two hours.

    One hundred planes took part in the attack that finally sank the ship.

    Remember Pearl Harbor.

  6. When I look at this, my feet hurt.

    I lost track of how many times I stepped on a #^@$#% lego in the dark when my Daughter was little.

    Now with the Grandbaby, it'll probably happen all over again :)


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