Sunday, August 9, 2009

Congratulations to Ambulance driver

He's had his one millionth (!) visitor.

Bravo Zulu, AD.

UPDATE 10 August 2009 12:08: Fixed typo of epic (fail) proportions. Thanks, TOTWTYTR.


  1. Yeah, this may be an exhibition of my uncool/unhipness, but in my world "Bravo Sierra" referred to the material emerging from the south end of a north-bound bull.

    Please explain O wizened and ancient one…

  2. It's AD.

    Bravo Sierra just seems more... fitting...


  3. I feel bad now because I had the exact same thought and didn't say anything about it.


  4. Yikes! Epic, epic fail on my part.

    Thanks guys - I have got to stop blogging late - I'm clearly 30 IQ points shy then.

    AD, sorry!

  5. K.

    Now... why are you thanking TOT, when pistolero was the first one who caught it???

    Yer losin' yer grip old boy...


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