Monday, August 3, 2009

Blogroll addition, Northeast Blogshoot edition

I met a new (to me) blogger at yesterday's blogshoot, Meataxe from Men Are Not Potatoes. Not only was he kind enough to let #2 Son and me shoot an arsenal fearsome enough to conquer France, but he made a very interesting comment:
When will we know that the gun nuts have won the Culture War? When Apple starts making guns. If you extend Apple's existing design aesthetic to firearms, I think you end up with a lot of brushed steel, rounded edges, ambidextrous safety, low recoil, adjustable sights that are as high-speed-low-drag as fixed sights, and the ability to drop in a whole range of authorized parts and accessories.
Well, that sounded like a job for PhotoShop The Gimp*, and so with no further ado, offered for your consideration, the Apple iShoot:

It's in .45 ACP, because that's insanely great. With rails to mount a laser aiming device for the bayonet.

Meataxe, thanks for the idea for a Photoshop, and welcome to the blogroll!

* #1 Son helped me with a couple of the more esoteric transforms when my Gimp-fu was weak. Sort of his contribution to the New England Blogshoot community, because he's all out of Pokemons.


  1. That's awesome. And it even looks like your hot gunnie chick silhouette is following the 4 Rules. (At the very least, the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction)

  2. Ah, but would Apple be satisfied with .45 ACP? I see them more going with something a little, er, different, like .45 GAP or 5.7x28mm FN or something equally exotic that would be arguably better, but off-beat enough to piss off most people and unleash a reverse-snobbery backlash.


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