Monday, August 3, 2009

#2 Son injury update

The one bit of excitement at yesterday's blogshoot (bad excitement, not good excitement that is) was when #2 Son stepped on a rusty nail while policing the target area during cleanup.

Fortunately, the Northeast Gunbloggers are over represented with EMTs, so there was no shortage of emergency medical care available.

Just a quick update for the folks who have left messages, he has a current Tetnus booster, and his foot's doing fine today. Thanks to all who inquired.

And because I have Yet Another Picture of my kid that I haven't posted, here he is with JayG's shotgun/bayonet combo. That's why you need a bayonet for your shotgun ...


  1. Hi Borepatch and Son,

    Glad to hear your foot is recovering. It was great to meet you both.



  2. Glad all is going well.

    Also not to pick nits, but Jay's 590 is the one with the Knoxx Stock and red-dot sight. Mine's the one with the bead sight and a shell-holder.

    Both have bayonets, because they just HAVE to!

  3. I'm happy to hear all is well with is injured paw. ;) He was in a lot of pain but toughed it out. He sure seemed to be having a blast before he hurt his foot.


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