These folks are seriously missing the entire confirmation bias concept:
In Face Feng Shui, the analysis is based on the various features of the Face and this is compared to the date of birth for a more accurate prediction. Each feature and portion of the face is given a corresponding age. So should some feature show a defect, a scar or a mole, it is then compared to the astrological chart to reaffirm the significance of that particular feature. Only this can Face Feng Shui be used accurately as a form of prediction.Glad they added that stuff that makes it accurate, because otherwise it would sound barking mad:
If a person has sparse and weak eyebrows, it will show a lack of vitality or a person with a weak constitution but it also indicates that the periods of 31 and 32 will be difficult. If there is a scar on the eyebrows, it further confirms this prediction.You know, I'm glad that our society is so rational and scientific. Otherwise, we might fall for superstition, too.
However, if there is a hidden mole within the eyebrows, and if the birthday confirms it, then this indicates a successful break, monetary wealth or an inheritance during that period.
Hey you deniers! Get the heck off my lawn!
Mostly on-topic: I thought you might enjoy this editorial.