Friday, March 13, 2009

You'll shoot your eye out with that

From the early 1960s. I would have loved this back then - I was just a little younger than the kid in the ad - but $7 was a lot of money back then. As a point of reference, my allowance in 1965 was a nickel a week, which actually went pretty far. At least for a six year old.


  1. Isn't the bad guy Otis from Mayberry?

  2. Ted,

    My employer sells lots of different stuff in our 12 catalogs. One of them is the cult-classic 'leg lamp' from the movie you channel. We also sell the night-light sized companion for those wanting something smaller. Here's a link.

  3. Anon, I don't know, but it could very well be him.

    Brad, that lamp is Teh Awesome!

  4. Ted,
    I can get you 40% off the retail purchase price . . . .

    - Brad

  5. Hey! I had one of those! Mine was green camo, however, and tied (marketing wise) to the tv show "Combat" (Vic Morrow). I also had a "functioning" P08 Luger cap gun. By functioning I mean that the slide operated when you pulled the double action trigger to pop the caps.


    At the link, there's lots more. Echoes of a different America. One of these as pictured, with the .38 and the box is about $700.00

  7. Oldblinddog, you must be my age. We had cool toys that today's kids simply won't believe. I loved that show, and Rat Patrol. Machine guns and dead Nazis ...

    ASM826, $700? Yikes! You could put some interesting stuff in your gun safe for that sort of coin. Err, real ones.


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