Saturday, March 28, 2009

Who do you think that Gun Control laws are aimed at?

Overheard Chez Borepatch. The scene: #2 Son (age 13) and I are watching Weaponology, the episode about automatic weapons. One of the people interviewed, when discussing the AK-47, mentioned that you can buy these in the marketplace in Mogadishu for $15.
#2 Son: $15! Can I get one? I'll use my own money!

Me: Sorry, the Gun Control laws don't allow kids to own guns.

#2 Son: But kids get them anyway.

Me: So what does that tell you about Gun Control laws?

#2 Son: They don't work?

Me: Well, you don't have an AK-47, do you? Pretty effective at controlling that. So who do you think that Gun Control laws are aimed at?

#2 Son: (realization dawning) @#$%!
Right quick on the uptake, that lad.

1 comment:

  1. My 12 year old was watching futureweapons and he wanted to get me one of those new fangled FN machine pistols.

    I told him that those were only for super-citizens..he asked what's that?...I said not us.


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