Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cancer bleg

Dad's prostate cancer is back, and may be worse than before. This time, it seems that he can't have radiation. The doc is talking about hormone therapy to manage the illness, but my father-in-law didn't like that at all.

Not been a good weekend.

If anyone out there has any knowledge of recent developments in prostate cancer treatments, I'd be mighty obliged for a pointer. Please leave a comment, or you can email me at borepatch at gmail dot com.

And those with a mind to remember dad in your prayers, I'd be mighty obliged for that, too.

UPDATE 1 April 2009 8:15: Thanks, Brigid. And thanks to everyone coming from her place, especially those who've left comments.


  1. I am really sorry to hear about your dad.

    I've read about this:

    Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

    In one report, a 66 year old man who took red clover every day for a week prior to having a prostatectomy for prostate cancer showed reduced signs of cancer in the diseased prostate tissue.

  2. Added to the list of people I pray for.

    Good thoughts and prayers headed your way...

  3. Hammer, thanks for the tip.

    Jay, as always, thanks.

  4. I'm sorry to hear that. My Dad is going through the same. He went to one of the most cutting edge hospitals for treatment in his state and the best they could offer him, with his health history, was the hormone therapy. It worked. He was NOT happy about it. But he's alive and feeling pretty good 5 years later.

    Your family will be in my prayers.

  5. My best wishes, Ted. Prostate cancer killed my own father about 10 years ago.

  6. Brigid, thanks for the good news. I hope he keeps doing well.

    Bob, I'm sorry to hear this.

  7. Good luck and prayers to you and your dad.

  8. Good luck, karma and vibes to your daddy, Borepatch

  9. Good luck to him; I lost my dad to cancer a little over three years ago. The cancer seems to come back worse each time (my dad went into remission twice) is because it is worse. Each time you knock it down, a few of the most resistant cells can be left to start up again, so the treatments are basically selecting the toughest, most aggressive cancer cells for the next bout. If all of the cells can be killed, the patient has a chance, but if any at all are left behind, it will come back.

  10. DirtCrashr and Lissa, thanks.

    BobG, that makes really good sense. Depressing, but sensible. Thanks.

  11. Prayer's, and hang in there, both you and your Dad.

  12. My dad had radioactive iodine implants but it didn't stop the prostate cancer from metastasizing into his bones. However, he went on DES (diethylstilbestrol) hormone therapy for the prostatic bone cancer and went for 9 1/2 years on it. It was effective at keeping the cancer at bay but did have side effects (the male body isn't used to that much female hormone).

    Another family friend had a very effective treatment from a Gamma Knife procedure - he went into remission. Unfortunately, it sounds like that won't work for your dad.

    You have my thoughts and prayers and I wish you the best.

  13. Brigid's link brought me here to wish your Dad, you and your family all the best. My thoughts are with you.

  14. Praying for you and your family, Bore Patch.

  15. Thoughts and prayers for your Dad. Think positive!

  16. Thanks, Greybeard, Bruce, Ambulance Driver, Lorimor. THis means a lot.

    RodD, that's precisely the situation with dad. It's encouraging that there might be a lot of time left. This is the most encouraging thing I've read in days.

  17. My best suggestion is to contact the UC-Davis cancer center - they actually scoffed at my sister's previous diagnosis of "inoperable" for her pancreatic cancer, and gave her another 20 months she wouldn't have had with her daughters, otherwise.

    Also, read up & push the doctors on 'antisense':

    - MuscleDaddy

  18. I can't add anything but my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Breieke (sp) radiation seed implantation...small doses placed directly in the tumors. Worked for our parish priest.

    Might try big doses of Saw Palmetto berry along with the Red Clover.

    You and yours will be on the Parish prayer chain through Easter.
    Bless ya' brotherman.

  20. MuscleDaddy, thanksd for the incredibly information-rich comment.

    AE and TOTWTYTR, thanks. I appreciate it.

    Sven, he did radiation, going on ten years back. I don't think they will give him that treatment again. Thanks for the Palmetto tip.

  21. Bore Patch, you might try MD Anderson Cancer Center, or maybe contact the LiveStrong Foundation (since Lance did have prostate cancer they may be on top of new advances in treatment).

  22. Sorry I am late but about all I can say is sorry to hear and we will pray for him. Best wishes on a recovery. . .

  23. Anonymous, good idea. Thanks.

    JD, thanks.


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