A Web Defacement Archive is a web site that saves the images of famous (or not so famous) web sites that have gotten defaced by the Bad Guys. It's mostly of security-geek historical value, and the occasional giggle*.
Now it's perhaps more correctly hysterical value, because the defacement archive Zone-h.org has - you guessed it - been defaced. Yes, those are dancing babies, from a Youtube video of a Diaper commercial.
And the site is Linux and Apache, not Windows and IIS, so Linux fanboyz can stop giggling. A bit. Well, OK, you can giggle.
The Register's writeup is pretty good, so when you're done giggling, it's worth a read. If that's your bag, baby.
More seriously, recent attacks at security firm Kaspersky Labs shows that even pretty smart security folks have trouble keeping up with this. Kaspersky has a clue, and make a pretty good antivirus scanner. And they still got pwned. Let's be careful out there.
* My favorite defacements were by Fluffy Bunny, who would leave pictures of a keyboard and a stuffed rabbit, saying Hacked by Fluffy Bunny. He added a touch of class to what was mostly l0Usy sP3LL1nG and l4m3 j0X3rz. At least until Constable Plod marched him out of the 2003 Infosec security Conference in manacles.
Oh- I thought this might be a reference to "our goose is cooked", & you had am appurtenance...