Yes, this will panic the financial markets. It will also focus the discussion on how future generations are being raped for pure political gain by the Democratic party. It would be pretty hard for the Democrats to complain that the Republicans were being irresponsible.
Of course, the Republicans won't, because they have no stones. But it would work.
Come to think about it, if it takes the wind out of the
Will the stimulus bill compromise lower your tax rebate to $8 per week? That appears to be true. The final version has not been passed, but reports indicate the $500 per year in reduced tax withholding has been reduced to $400 per individual and $800 per couple. That only comes to $8 per week for an individual and $16 for a couple. If they start the payments in June and make it retroactive to the beginning of the year, you will get $13 per week until next January. Then, your rebate would drop to the $8 per week level. Are you felling stimulated yet? In a stimulus bill of almost $1 trillion dollars, you would think President Obama would have more for the working class.