Friday, January 23, 2009

Remember Sarah Palin's email?

It got hacked a while back. Remember?

Remember the tut-tutting from the bien pensants about how private webmail accounts were no way to run a government?
The practice is dangerous, said experts, and can run counter to laws ensuring government is open and accountable -- a tough point for Palin, who has made "open government" a catchphrase of her political identity.
Well, guess what? Seems the Obama Administration - not a week old - is doing the same dang thing on an industrial scale:
Obama transition staff who are headed to the White House tomorrow have created special email addresses using Google's free Gmail accounts to work around the fact that their transition emails will go dark at 11 a.m. Tuesday, at least an hour before they will have access to their new government accounts.
Never mind the idiocy of shutting off the transition email account - we'll ignore the gross incompetence because, well, what do you expect in a transition? I'm waiting for all the folks who thought that this was A Very Bad Thing Indeed (when Gov Palin used Gmail) to tisk tisk about the new administration's use of same.

(still waiting)

(crickets chirping)

The clearest indicator of media bias is when they uncritically print rubbish about one side, but you never hear the same rubbish raised about the other side. Now I don't care if you print the rubbish. I don't care if you don't print the rubbish, either. I don't even care if you print the rubbish about one side and refuse to print it about the other.

Just don't blow any of this "no bias here" smoke up my tailpipe, if you know what I mean.


  1. What, they couldn't do without e-mail for an hour?

    And someone couldn't pre-configure the e-mail accounts and mailboxes and have them ready to go?

    Tasks that are routine in the .com world suddenly become complicated when .gov gets involved.

  2. Hope-n-change.

    We are so screwed.


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