Sunday, January 4, 2009

HuffPo channels Borepatch, episode 1

Seems they think that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a scam. The post is really quite good, so you should RTWT. Nothing new for either of my regular readers, though, but nice to see them talk themselves down from the ledge (on this, at least).

More astonishingly, the reader comments seem to be roughly 12 to 1 in favor of Mr. Ambler's thesis, which is that AGW is the new Flat Earth theory. I only waded through the first page, so I could be off base here, but it's quite a welcome outbreak of sanity at HuffPo.

So how come? Why should we all of a sudden see one of the core planks of the Watermelon left (Green on the outside, Red on the inside) get thrown under the bus*? And how come this is "episode 1"? Will there be more?

You bet, Scooter.

Bruce has an interesting suggestionabout what's happening:
Perhaps this is the precursor to how the Left plans on setting the table for all the "Obama Cures Planet" headlines we're likely to see in the near future.
Maybe, but I think that this will be the shiny packaging, rather the holiday present inside. We've seen a very pronounced dynamic over the past eight years:
  1. Democrats and their allies in non-governmental organizations (Greenpeace, etc) use unhinged ranting to paint Bush/Cheney administration as evil.
  2. Democratic allies in the biased news media (redundancy alert) pick up Democratic talking points ("Bush Lied", "Squandered international goodwill") and use them to frame debate.
  3. Feedback loop (go to step #1) causes increasingly unhinged ranting on the left (NSA listening in on phone calls from someone overseas to someone else overseas is "illegal spying").
So what's going on here with HuffPo, who were front and center in step #2? Well, first of all, Mission Accomplished with all the hopenchange. Second, the messiah now has to actually, you know, govern. So a bunch of what y'all have been ranting about is going to disappear, very quickly.
The war in Iraq? Old talking points: quagmire. New Talking points: we won.

"Illegal" Spying? Old talking points: well, it was, like, illegal. New talking points: responsible defense of the nation. Sorry, nutroots.

The war in Afghanistan? Old talking points: more troops = more violence. New talking points: crush al-Qaeda. Sorry, nutroots.
Get ready for a whole heapin' helping of backtrack, folks. Bruce is probably pretty on-target about how this will be spun ("Huzzah Hopenchange!"), but the sound you hear is a lot of blunt instruments being tossed into the bushes. They're not needed to beat political enemies anymore, and would only make things more difficult for The One.

* Yes, I mixed my metaphors. I like to use a cocktail shaker and ice, but that's just me.


  1. The left is confused. OK, I know that's pretty obvious in general. What they are confused about this time is what's happening to them. First, California went for Obama in a big way while at the same time passing Prop 8 by a substantial margin. There had to be a lot of overlap there.

    Then, Obama picks a Baptist Minister who opposes same sex marriage to give his invocation.

    Then, the mighty O backtracks, uh, clarifies, on Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, domestic spying, and a slew of other leftist positions. The ones that they THOUGHT he was supporting them on.

    On the radio the other day I heard a great statement that will likely apply to Obama.

    Here is a non exact quote.

    "New office holders spend their first months placating their opponents and disappointing their supporters. George Bush did it, Bill Clinton did it, no doubt Obama will do it. His far left supporters will be very disappointed."

  2. Very astute. It's the big vanishing act about to happen.
    I think much will remain however because the Media has caught itself on the treadmill and can't give up "saving" the planet and celebrating the New Religion of Eco-Gaia Earthday whatsis. PG&E won't be able to ramp-down all their Green initiative crap and lousy light-bulbs for instance, the PR machine has spun-up to max RPM and it can't just slow that down for the Lightbringer...


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