Monday, January 19, 2009

Do It For The Children™

I posted last week about unanticipated consequences. Offered for your consideration, CoyoteBlog on Phoenix building codes designed to keep small children from falling into swimming pools and drowning. Who could possibly object to that fer crying out loud?

Of course, everyone who voted for the codes thought of everything, right?
Can anyone see any possible problem with making it impossible for small children to exit the house? Perhaps, say, in a fire? Once I bring my house up to code, because none of the children’s wing of the house has any window or door except to the pool area, the state will have made it absolutely impossible for small children to escape in a fire. Yes, the state has forced me to turn the back of my house into a fire trap for kids. That is, of course, unless I reverse all the changes 5 seconds after the inspector leaves my property, which of course I would never, ever do because I am a good American who pledged allegiance to the state every shool day of my childhood.
And thus is created another Hardened Criminal, intentionally violating our laws. If he gets out of line on something (oh, I don't know, how about Global Warming orthodoxy), he should be vigorously investigated.

Dunno, maybe he has guns, too.

And for all the good Doobees who let their kids burn up in a fire, I'm sure that there will be the proper amount of brow furrowing and tut-tutting and mistakes-were-made noises by all the bien pensants.

1 comment:

  1. I believe Warren has said before that he isn't currently a gun owner, but he has been in the past.

    Of course that could easily be a misdirection on his part.


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