Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blagojevich more corrupt than at least 59 Illinois politicians

"How can you throw a governor out of office with incomplete or insufficient evidence?”
Um, by a vote of 59-0? I dunno, maybe the bit about getting arrested by the Federales was the giveaway?
Afterward, the Senate president, John J. Cullerton, said, “Today we mark a shameful low in the proud tradition of our state.”
So who's next?

But it seems that Change has finally come to the Land Of Lincoln. President Obama:
"For months, the state had been crippled by a crisis of leadership. Now that cloud has lifted."
Gee, I feel better already.

1 comment:

  1. they're cool and all...but we've had 3 House Speakers IN A ROW who've left office to peruse life as a convicted felon.

    Top that Illi-NOISE!



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