Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Six months of blogging

Technically, tomorrow is my sixth month anniversary. It's been interesting, and a lot has been unexpected.

Comments are teh awesome. I hadn't anticipated just how important these are. I've learned a lot from y'all in the comments you leave, and a whole bunch of them make me laugh out loud. Also, it's very cool when people comment. As Chris Matthews would say, I feel a thrill run up my leg when you do. And not in the icky Internet-stalker way, either.

Technorati seemed really cool at first, but not so much now. A lot of folks don't seem to use it, so the rankings don't reflect reality. I find that I never look at it any more. The Truth Laid Bare has always been broken, so I have no idea whether it's fun or not.

Sitemeter is teh awesome, especially after going back to "Sitemeter Classic." Hits are fun! I write because it amuses me, but it seems to amuse some of you, which is very nice indeed.

I seem to be a bit of a Chatty Cathy. This is post 642, in six months. But I can stop anytime I want. No, really.

This post is definitely filed in "get a life."

ClustrMaps is fun. If you have a blog, you should check it out. Eventually, I'll get the entire World Map covered in red dots, like some horrible Borepatch disease. Next stop - World Domination!

I need to update the "Best Posts" category more often. I try not to have more than 5% of my posts in this category (you know, only the good ones), so it helps to wait a week or so before deciding whether a post is good enough. But what I really do is wait until I don't have anything to blog about. So if you see a bunch of posts go into this category some day, you'll know I was bored.

Surprisingly, the "Best Posts" are pretty much my best posts. I'm not a writer - more like a spewer - but these are about as good as I can do.

Thanks to the folks who stop by, and especially the folks who leave comments. If you didn't, I probably wouldn't blog much, so you have Great Power. Remember to always use it for good.


  1. Congrats, Ted.

    I'll have to disagree, slightly, on SiteMeter.

    For an OCD like myself, it's crack. Deadly, addictive, and generally bad for you... ;)

  2. I hear you on that, Jay. This was the first week where every day was over 100 hits. My lovely bride didn't understand why I was doing the Happy Dance.


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