Thursday, December 11, 2008

German Scientists Study "Hot Young Housewives"

Well, the Max Planck Institute seems to. Their original cover to their magazine Max Planck Research had chinese characters describing, well, probably not what they were expecting.

Those of you who read chinese, original is on the left ("Hot, young housewives"), the corrected cover is on the right (no housewives for you!)

So let's count the unique ways they were doofuses, shall we (counting is scientific!):
Editors get all multi-culti and plan a generic display of any old chinese stuff? Check.

Editors don't find anyone who can actually read the any old chinese stuff that was submitted? Check.

Editors print cover without asking if someone may be putting any burrs under their saddle? Check?

After mailing magazine world wide, complain that it had been "vetted by a sinologist"? Check.
Cue Vince from ShamWow: It's from Germany. You know they make great stuff.

Especially practical jokes.

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