Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Palin/Breda 2012

Acepilot_Jim has the idea of the century. Unfortunately, all you had was my Photoshop Gimp skillz. #1 Son will get this tricked out with flames and pinstriping.

They'll need a slogan. Some ideas:
"Vote for us. We can hit you even if you run away."

"The Sarahcuda Bredalucion: the choice of chicks with guns."

"Yes, we married well."
UPDATE 19 November 2008 15:01: Lissa linked. Thanks, Lissa!

UPDATE 19 November 2008 15:03: Hokey smokes, it's a Bredalanche! Thanks! Welcome, and take a look around.


  1. well, I'm honored. Truly. And imagine all the "chicks with guns" photo ops. Sarah & me, at the range. AWEsome.

  2. Lissa, thanks.

    Breda, let me know when those photos are up. The Mrs. will want a Breda Barbie to go with the Palin Barbie!

    Jay, I take no credit - it was Acepilot_Jim's idea. But the idea is entirely made of win.

  3. "Two Chicks with guns CAN run a country better than any Communist or some old men in Depends."

  4. Additional slogan, from my own (FAIL) bar-napkin run for presidency:

    "You could do worse. And you frequently have."

  5. B Smith, I'd say we just did worse.


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