Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Search Term Safari

is nasa nuking the moon
Releasing large amounts of dangerous radiation in the Lunar environment will clearly have a significant impact on the Lunar ecosystem. Quite frankly, the Greens are AWOL on this. NO NUKES! NO NUKES!
dark spots on fried chicken
Ur doin it rong. Either you've fried it too long, in which case the dark spots have gone past the yummy carmalized stage to the yukky burnt stage, or your chicken was nasty when you started, or you've left it in the fridge too long. In any case, you're not paying enough attention.
miranda lambert breasts
Sorry, this isn't that kind of blog. And remember her song: "I'll show you what little girls are made of - gun powder and lead." An armed society is a polite society, after all.

Oh, and dude? You need to get out more. Meet some nice women. Just sayin.'
"i, for one, welcome our new * overlords"
Unfortunately, most stars are in Hollywood. While they clearly think that they should be running everything (I'm talking to you, Tim Robbins!), they seem pretty unqualified to me. Your mileage may vary.
sarah palin skeet shooting
More fun than Dick Cheney skeet shooting, at least if you're a lawyer.
what does it mean to find a dead horse's head in your bed?
Not gonna be a good day for you, scooter.
when the stock market crashed, franklin d. roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, princes of greed. he said, "look, here's what happened".
Joe Biden's doin it rong. So's the Lamestream Media. But since you came here, you're doin it right! Well done, you!
what is a bore patch used for
I don't think I want to see what your barrels look like. I really, really, really hope that you're shooting non-corrosive ammo.
fembots palin
I think that she makes feminist's heads come off. Anyway, that's what I heard.
cyber security
ur doin it rong. Nothing personal - everyone's doin it rong. Oh, bother.
how much to charge for making a peach cobbler
Depends on whether you're a Republican or a Democrat. If you're a Republican, you take your hourly pay rate and multiply by how much time you spent. If you're a Democrat, you ask yourself "How much does the person getting this Peach Cobler actually need this Peach Cobler?" The more that they need it, the less you charge for it. Then you wonder why there isn't enough Peach Cobler to go around.
what happens when press alt, ctrl and del together
At least for a moment, your Windows computer enters "Secure" mode. You can tell because it says "Windows is Starting Up." Once it's actually started up, it's a whole 'nother game, of course, but you're secure until then. Well done, you!

UPDATE 8 October 2008 22:47: Must-see Ctrl-Alt-Del here.

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