Friday, October 31, 2008

It's quiet ...

... too quiet.

#1 son is out at the movies with the pack of 16 year olds. Some of them are driving. Yikes.

#2 son is trick-or-treating with a friend, in the friend's neighborhood. Makes sense, as we're on kind of a busy street, rather than in a neighborhood.

We got all of one trick-or-treater stop by, here at chez Borepatch. I guess word gets around that this isn't as much of a child-friendly blog as I had thought it is.

It's really, really quiet. Wierd.

Well, at least #2 son is in full-on Halo-3 Riot Gear. Notice the trigger discipline. Didn't remind him to do it - it was (ahem) full-auto on his part.

That's my boy!

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