Sunday, October 12, 2008

In the formerly Great Britain ...

... Lady's Night has been banned.
The proposals, drafted by the Home Office and the Department of Health, seek to transform social attitudes towards drinking by breaking the association between drink and sexual, financial and social success.
I'd snark about this, but it's sad to watch what in many ways was the cradle of freedom lurch its way into totalitarian nanny state dead end.

It's the smug, self-assured way that the nanny-staters approach this that is so annoying:
It uses disdainful language to describe the attitudes spread by Britain’s bar culture, which it blames for equating heavy drinking with personal success.
Funny, nothing in the Time's article about whether pub patrons cling to their bitters. (Sorry, I couldn't resist).

Sic transit gloria mundi.

Via Don Surber.


  1. If Obamessiah is elected, expect much more of this here.

    Obama will combine the worst of socialism (as if there is best of) and Chicago style gangsterism. A thugocracy as others have said.

  2. I lived on a houseboat for a while when I was first out of college. Along the drive onto the island where the boat was kept was a small bar. There was always the sign up "Thursday Night is Bird Night - All Ladies get $1.00 drinks and a free goose".

    But you know, none of the locals took offense, meant in good fun and the people that ran it treated one and all very well as customers.

  3. My God. The poor Brits get more stupid by the day. Pretty soon, they will have to regulate breathing, so the deal limeys don't forget how.

  4. Oops, that was supposed to be dear limeys. /doh


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