Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'll take "Violations of the 4 Rules" for $500, Alex

I just watched the Mythbusters "Bullets Fired Up" episode with #1 son and #2 son. In this show, Adam and Jamie test the myth that bullet shot straight up can kill someone.

Interesting factoid: this is the first (only?) episode where the myth was simultaneously confirmed, plausible, and busted.

My question to the boys was "Which of the 4 Rules were not violated during the test?" My thought is that Rule #1 is the only one not violated here:

Rule #1: All guns are always to be considered loaded. Well, duh - that's how you do the test. Wouldn't have any data at all with unloaded guns.

Rule #2: Don't ever point a gun at anything you're not willing to destroy. Seems a clear violation here, as you don't know precisely where the bullet might land.

Rule #3: Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are aligned on-target. Target? What target? Clear violation.

Rule #4: Be sure of your target and what's behind it. Another clear violation, since you don't have a target.

Did we get it right? Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. ok, $2 son, sounds like a bargain = )

    I am not sure how to apply the rules to this one since they were out in the middle of nowhere, so they did know what was "behind" the target as a backstop. They also had shielding they were under during the tests.

    I think they knew the target (sky) where it would land (lakebed), and they did things rather safe.

    It is still a very dumb thing for anyone else to try so I have to take points away from them on that one since you know there are idiots out there that will try it. . .

    Overall I find they do very well on safety on the show.

    OK, let the screaming begin!

  2. What is a two dollar son? How did you determine the value?

  3. Fixed the typo on #2 son, thanks.


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