Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'd like to thank the Academy ...

Wow! Too Old To Work, Too Young To Retire (one of my daily reads) tagged me with the Superior Scribling award. I'd think he has the award confused with the Insane Goober Ranting award, but the other folks on his list are serious bloggers all. Well, it's possible that JayG could join me in Insane Goober Ranting land, but mostly after he posts another Road Rage update. Thanks, TOTWTYTR!

The list is hard, as I have to pick only five. Make sure to check out my blogroll, because I follow all of them literally every day (and so should you).

Random Acts of Patriotism seems to have started blogging about the same time I did (summer 2008), and has a very different blogging style than I do. I'm from the Insane Goober Ranting school of blogging; he's from the Thoughtful and Can Actually Write school of blogging. I've linked to a couple of his posts, as ones that quite simply paint a picture in your mind. I wish he would post more, but the muse speaks to each of us in her own way. I just glad that his muse isn't the Insane Goober Ranter like mine is.

I'm looking forward to when the election is over, and JD shifts (a bit) from politics to Cowboy Action Shooting with his sweet, sweet Marlin .45LC. Mmmm, Lever Gun! Frequent, eclectic posts (of the non-Insane, non-Goober type).

I've learned more about concealed carry from Weer'd Beard's posts than from anywhere. While I don't carry, I may some day. If I keep hitting his place, I'll likely have a clue. Plus, he's your one-stop-shop for all your trainblogging needs.

Edge's Conservative Movies is a different sort of blog, (mostly) about great films. You could do way, way worse than his list for family movie night. Plus he has amazing posts like the 1960s TV Signoff. I don't know where he finds all this, but I'm glad he does.

Fighting For Liberty is another Linux fanboy, and holds the record for making coffee shoot out my nose the furthest (look, I warned you about the Insane Goober thing): Where's your BSOD NOW, Bitch!? Maybe a bit in the Insane Goober camp, and maybe that's why I dig his sense of humor. Maybe NT did it to us ...

All y'all are tagged.

One thing I think is left out is a mention of the bloggers who made the biggest impact on your blogging. This isn't part of the meme, but for some reason, I think that this is important (gosh, maybe this should be another meme!). For me:

JayG is my blogfather. I'd tag him, except he's already been tagged by bloggers much better than I. If you hate my blog, blame Jay. Wh00t! Nobody better to break a bunch of WallyWorld clays on a sunny, Indian Summer afternoon!

Kim du Toit. I stumbled on Kim's place two or three years ago. Kim's the one who inspired me to get off of my lazy butt and take my kids shooting. While #1 son isn't too into it, #2 son has really turned into my shooting buddy, and it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't read Kim.

Tam, incredibly, was a very early visitor here, and was my first commenter. The idea that she'd bother to check out my blabbing was a big shot in the arm, early in my blogging career. I love the breadth of topics that she posts on - the obscure history in particular. I haven't quite mastered her level of snark - the Insane Goober Rants keep bubbling up in mine.

Breda's post about the mouse in the bucket is one of the most moving that I've read. In a sense, she's Joe The Plummer for Second Amendment issues: so completely, totally normal that she can't be dismissed as a kook. Then she patiently explains that a five foot tall woman sometimes can't carry a policeman around for protection, so she takes this. I'd tag her, but I'm sure that a million others have already.

Oh yeah, the rules, yadda yadda:
Of course, as with every Bloggy Award, there are A Few Rules. They are, forthwith:
  • Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
  • Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
  • Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
  • Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
  • Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.


  1. Jay, this is why you're made entirely out of Win. I call you Insane Goober Rant boy, and you stop by to say thanks!


  2. I'm honored. Thank you.

    (and I'd love to take Mrs. Ted to the range. Anytime.)

  3. Breda, I'll plan a family vacation to Cedar Point to take you up on the offer!


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