Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hokey Smokes! This is the best they could do?

It was no surprise that the Boston Globe endorsed Barack Obama. What is interesting is why, and what it says about the liberal mindset.

Ready to be president? Not so much - The Globe even more or less admits as much, forced to talk about his experience as head of the Harvard Law Review while in college.

Ready to lead the Free World? Not so much - The Globe doesn't go into world affairs at all, other than "Bush Lied, People Died."

The key graf from today's endorsement:
Voters can make no more powerful statement about America's commitment to inclusion and opportunity than to put forward this man - Barack Hussein Obama, son of a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas - as the nation's representative to the world.
Translation: Feel good about yourself, vote for Obama. Maybe he'll be a good president, too. It would be a twofer!

And Bush Lied! People Died!

Look, I could see people rationally choosing to vote for Obama. Not sure that I would agree, but someone could rationally weigh the choices and come down with their checkmark next to the candidate with a (D). But this is simply pathetic. And from people who think that they're the smartest guys on the block.

I'll take "Idiots" for $500, Alex.

1 comment:

  1. Theres something twisted about a news paper endorsing a candidate. I know there's not a law stating that they can't do so, and I think most people are aware that news channels - papers included - are biased: Fox being right biased, the globe being wrong..er...I mean left biased.

    Still...public endorsements by news agencies seem twisted to me. Plus, it seems like a shotty business because they're essentially flipping the proverbial bird at a specific group of people: conservative voters.

    On the other hand, a big brava to MA for making a politically incorrect maneuver like that. Oh wait, it's not politically incorrect when it pertains to conservatives. Oops, how dare I suggest such a thing?



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