Monday, September 1, 2008

Will the Democratic Party fracture?

The reaction from the left to Sarah Palin has been very interesting (disgraceful, but interesting). Careful on that last link - you'll feel like you need to take a shower after reading it.

So the left has gotten all Taliban-like, when the woman is a Republican. Nothing new there. What's new? 18 million Hillary voters.

By the time Mrs. Clinton graciously called for the convention to nominate Senator Barack Obama by acclamation, some of her supporters were working their way toward acceptance, wiping tears but nodding as she declared that the party had to unite behind him. Yet how could they not feel at least envy, watching the Obamas and the Bidens stroll out in triumph, and thinking that their candidate could have been in either role, at the top or bottom of that ticket. Not even vetted for V.P.!!

Then, of course, came Friday: “It turns out the women of America aren’t finished yet!” That was Sarah Palin, the Republican governor of Alaska, as Senator John McCain introduced her to the country as his vice-presidential nominee. “We can shatter that glass ceiling!” she proclaimed.

While I don't subscribe to the belief that the Republicans will be effective at identity politics, it may be that they don't have to be. The Democrats may do the heavy lifting all on their own: there was already a feeling that the misogynistic Old Boy network did Hillary in even before all this about Palin.

If the Democrats live by identity politics, what happens when they have to choose between groups? They are so used to arguing ad hominem that it may be impossible for them to stop. If so, is it possible for the party not to fracture, as a bunch of women become disgusted, and leave forever? Interesting times.

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