Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Political Silly Season - Beware Virus Scams

As we enter the last legs of Campaign '08, be on the lookout for politically-themed malware scams. The latest one is about a video of Barack Obama with a lady other than Mrs. Obama. Of course, it's a ruse, that downloads spyware:
Prospective marks are encouraged to check out a video implausibly showing the married Democrat in action with a Ukrainian strumpet. Gullible folks who fall for the ruse are shown a bongo clip while, in the background, malicious files are installed onto their Windows PCs, net security firm Websense reports.
Remember, folks, "Click here for vids of Obama / Palin / McCain [Ick - Ed.] / Biden [Double Ick! - Ed.]" is Internet Malware speak for "open your mouth and close your eyes."

With tongue firmly in cheek, The Register comments:
Curiously, the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal never became the topic of a malware attack.
That's just funny, right there.

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