Friday, September 12, 2008

My lameness saves me

Well, maybe not me. You:
Miscreants have created a tool that dumbs down the process of using fake YouTube websites to spread malware.
So yesterday when I couldn't embed a Youtube video, this may be a feature, not a bug. Just looking out for my readers.

The exploit is actually downloaded not from Youtube, but from somewhere else. That's the first hint that something isn't right. The second hint is when you're told you need to download a new codec. Of course, it's not an actual codec, but rather is spyware.

As I posted a while back:
ANY time you're told that you "need to download a new codec" you say NO.

Gozer: Are you a God?

[Ray looks at Venkman, who nods]

Ray: No.

Gozer: Then... DIE!

[Lightning flies from her fingers, Ghostbusters almost wiped out]

Winston: Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"!
Remember, "Download this code" is internet-speak for "open your mouth and close your eyes."

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