Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mac fanboys, time to get patching

Gobs of security goodness in the latest OS X security update. You want this one:
The flaws in ImageIO, QuickDraw Manager, VideoConference and ATS could lend themselves to hostile code injection. Meanwhile security bugs in libresolv could allow DNS cache poisoning, Apple's security notice explains.
Hostile code injection has become one of the preferred techniques that the Bad Guys use to whack you. And while Apple likes to snark at Microsoft about security, they are starting to get a reputation for being slow to update. They only now fixed the DNS-flaw-from-hell problem that I discussed back in July.

Look if Jay G can keep all his guns clean, can't you do a once-a-month security update? You'll be glad you did. And your Mac won't smell like Hoppe's #9 when you're done. Not that there would be anything wrong with that.


  1. Call me ignorant, but I just can't seem to see a difference in PC's and Mac's. I use at Mac at work and usally have problems. Of course not many security issues, but the lovely rainbow wheel of doom always seems to pay me a special visit everyday!

  2. Hey, Edge - you'll never get Mac fanboy cred that way.



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