Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I do not think that word means what you think

Seems Obama is jazzed by constitutional rights for terrorists, and waxes poetic:
"The reason that you have this principle is not to be soft on terrorism. It's because that's who we are. That's what we're protecting," Obama said, his voice growing louder and the crowd rising to its feet to cheer. "Don't mock the Constitution. Don't make fun of it. Don't suggest that it's not American to abide by what the founding fathers set up. It's worked pretty well for over 200 years." [my emphasis]
Mkay, how about this?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Hey, dude. Don't mock the Constitution.

My first link to Kos. Their hit counter's fixin' to spin.


  1. The ACLU also claims protects every right except those they don't agree with such as the ones affirmed under the 2nd.

  2. Yeah, I posted on this a while back.

    Not often you can get CLU, second amendment, and Fibonacci numbers. It's a trifecta!


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