Saturday, September 13, 2008

Euros don't get it, episode XVI

European intellectuals have a terrible time trying to actually understand America. The London Times is particularly bad at this; their default position is to fall back into a reflexive sneer when flummoxed. As a former subscriber, I speak from experience.

Offered for your consideration, Exhibit A. Observe the sneer.

You Americans. Guns are bad, mkay? Palin is hockey mom, get it? You're about to load up a hockey mom. Get it? GET IT?

Observe the utter lack of comprehension as to why so many people here look at it and say "Hell Yeah!" And not in the way that they had anticipated.

Memo to Eurosnobs: We'd listen to you more if you didn't combine cluelessness with condescension.

Memo to American Liberals: Don't be like them.

Gerard Baker is perhaps the sole exception at the Times. He gets it. As Dick Cheney would say, "Big time."


  1. "Memo to American Liberals: Don't be like them."

    Too late. Hence the "bitter clinger" speech Obama gave a while back.

    I've said it before and no doubt will say it again. Europeans (including the British) don't get us because we are the anti them. We've built a country as unlike Europe as possible because most of our ancestors left there because it was unbearable.

    The pseudo Americans who want to be like Europeans don't get that and never will.

    There's a simple solution if the Europeans don't like us. Don't come here. Don't buy our stuff. Don't send your stuff over here for us to buy. Oh, and don't ask us to save you sorry asses the next time some other European nation decides to over run your borders.

  2. I'm such a dork. You know what I noticed in that cartoon?

    1. Only four "rounds".
    2. It's got a S&W cylinder latch and a Colt ejector shroud...

  3. Europeans definitely think that we're just a more "colorful" version of them.

    Having lived there, it's quite striking how they assume that just because they watch our old TV shows, they know more about us than we know about them.

  4. Ted, I think they care more about us than we do about them. Care as in "express interest", not as in are concerned about them.

    In about 500 years of civilization, they've apparently learned nothing. They still treat Jews, immigrants, and anyone who isn't like them, like shit.

    They should be more concerned with the people who are trying to destroy their civilization, but apparently are content to simultaneously appease and treat them with contempt.

    Good luck with that.


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