Friday, September 5, 2008

Class Warfare - Howie Carr version

Howie Carr has a spot on column in the Boston Herald that sums up the "reporting" that the media has offered up on Gov Palin. Excerpts:
She doesn’t - or didn’t - have a passport.

She’s not a citizen of the world, she’s a citizen of Alaska.

She never heard of David Gergen, Sally Quinn or Jann Wenner, and she doesn’t care what they say about her. [OUCH! - Ed.]

Her husband is one of those damnable snowmobilers - you know, Sally, those goons who make such a racket when we’re out trying to cross-country ski from the chalet, only she calls them snowmachines.

She goes to a little Assembly of God church with one of those little message boards out front with a new Biblical verse on it every weekend and a minister has never once shouted from the pulpit, “God damn America!”
Howie absolutely kills the Intellectual Class here. And these folks think that they're smarter than we are?

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