Friday, September 5, 2008

Class Warfare - Bookworm edition

Via Lissa, an email that could be a lecture in Class Warfare 101 (putting things in terms that the Intellectual Class can appreciate):
Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla, a small red neck town outside Anchorage. The average maximum education level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade. ... These people don’t have a concept of the world around them or of the serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don’t care. So long as they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the wilderness, they’re happy.
Let's run down the Class Warfare checklist, shall we? Please pay attention - there will be a homework assignment at the end.
Sneers at rural people? Check.

Sneers at education that doesn't meet Intellectual Class standards? Check.

Sneers at the perceived lack of interest in "World affairs"? Check.

Frustration that the folks there seem to be plenty happy ignoring the helpful advice of the Intellectual Class? Check.

Extra credit for name calling? "Redneck"? Check.
Looks like we've got the bases covered, class. Now the assignment: Write a 500 word essay explaining how this would be judgmental if a Republican wrote this about the inner city.

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