Monday, September 29, 2008

Buzzwords - ur doin it rong

Well, it's EU bureaucrats, so no big surprise there. They're making up new terms:
The European Commission has called out for help on how it can "put Europe into the lead of the transition to Web 3.0". It doesn't seem sure what web 3.0 is or could be in the future - it just knows it wants it.
Probably mostly harmless, whatever it is. The smart money is betting that security isn't an afterthought - it isn't though of at all. But I digress. The Reg has better snark than I do, anyway:
Way, way, waaay back in 2005 when we were all working out what web 2.0 was made of, El Reg ran its own consultation exercise, which determined that mash-up, social networks and wikis are made of badgers paws, stardust and otters tears. And "a great big shit sandwich".
Pretty much sums up Internet Security, come to think of it.

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