Thursday, August 7, 2008

My name is LaLa, Jr. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

I have bad news for the Northeast Blogshoot team. Classified reconnaissance has been disclosed showing preparations by a Teletubbie Black Ops team. It is believed that they intend revenge for the recent Teletubby massacre. No intel is available as to whether there is participation from the Furby Alliance.

Fortunately, the secret Northeast Blogshoot base is very well defended. Very.

#1 son found a Counter Strike mod for the occasion. Coolest. Mod. Ever. I'll post it if there's demand.


  1. They can bring it on, I'll be waiting! : ]

  2. I was concerned about tribal retribution at the time of the incident, but I believe the NEB team is up to the challenge.

    BRING IT!!!

  3. I was looking for a reason to sight in the VEPR.

    Figure that Russian sporting .308 ought to be good for teletubby head shots out to 300 meters at least...

  4. Yay! self propelled moving targets for the next blog shoot!

  5. neb will need the steinkamp sw1, pretty good for blowing their heads blown off


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