Monday, August 25, 2008

How do you spell "Single Point of Failure?"


Seems that an al-Qaeda trained suicide squirrel took out Switzerland's power grid.

No, I'm not making this up.
Swiss TV's emergency power back-up was too puny too cope with demand - and many Swiss sports fans were left very frustrated. The outage at Switzerland's national broadcaster coincided with the closing ceremony of the Olympics and also the Formula 1 race in Valencia.
This is why you don't just write up your Disaster Recovery Plan, kids, you practice it. Maybe PETA wouldn't let them?

UPDATE 26 August 2008 12:26: Rachel Lucas has a typically hilarious rant about squirrels, that's worth a read. But the comments are simply outstanding. My favorite was Og:
Squirrels are rats with tails. Evil rats with tails. Very, very tasty evil rats wiht tails.


  1. My dad has declared war on the squirrel nation.

  2. LOL

    But it looks like he bubba'd his M14 ...

  3. Not sure how I found this, but it looks like the special of the day is squirrel melt ...

  4. Mmmm. Tasty squirls.



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