Saturday, April 27, 2013

A litmus test for "smart" progressives

SWPL, educated progressives like to claim that they're smarter than your average bear.  What makes them insufferable is the way they look down their noses at other people who deviate from Progressive Received Wisdom™.  Exhibit A for the prosecution: evolution.

Progressives love to snicker at people who reject evolution.  After all (say the progressives), isn't the scientific evidence overwhelming?  And still these people cling to their old ways.

Irony seems not to be part of the Progressive Received Wisdom™.  Self reflection also seems to be lacking from their canon.  If you, like me are heartily sick of their smarmy faux superiority, Aretae has given you a pocket take down which will turn the tables, forcing the progressives to follow the hard scientific logic of evolution to a place where their Progressive Received Wisdom™ will spontaneously combust:
  • In mammals, the costs of bearing young are distributed disproportionately among the sexes.
  • In mammals, correct game theory play for reproduction between men and women are different.


    In mammals, if the brains of males and females were identical in interests or capabilities, it would be a failure of evolution to function.

  • With 25 year generations, the out-of-Africa diaspora of the human race occurred around 4000 generations ago.  There has been a lot of time for different subpopulations (races) to optimize differently.
  • Given that evolution works on the brain, the brains of different human subpopulations should be optimized differently as well.  Finding out how is the question, not whether.
All of this is pure scientific logic, leading inexorably to what progressives will consider to be some very Double Plus Ungood conclusions.  At which point you can just smile and ask "What?  Don't you believe in evolution?  Or does it violate the commandments of your progressive scriptures."

Err, only if you are as nasty as I am.  And don't care if you don't get invited back to the Right cocktail parties.  RTWT, which is simply awesome.  Foseti says the same thing, differently, although he's not as nasty and snarky as I.  Neither of these will ever be taught in the schools.


Old NFO said...

Hehehe, yep NOT getting invited back with 'that' particular approach...

Chris said...

Fortunately, I'll stick with science and observation all the way up and down those lines of logic. And why would anyone want everyone (or at least every arbitrarily designated group) to be the same? Boooring!