Friday, August 3, 2012

King Douche

This meme seems to be taking off on Al Gore's Intarwebs - Sumd00d goes through the drive in at Chick-Fil-A and tells the (minimum wage) waitress that she's a jerk for working there.  Her repeated, polite, poised responses simply make this guy's HateRage™ even more pathetic.
Video at the link.  Seems King Douche was proud of his "transgressive" "brave" "stick it to the man" Youtube vid until he started getting slammed with comments telling him that he wasn't brave, he was a douchebag.  Then like Brave Sir Robin, he pulled his video.

Which just shows that he's an idiot.  Google sees all, forgets nothing.  People are re-posting his video faster than Youtube can take it down.   Just to feed the Googlemonster, I'm a'linking.  Amsmith77Amsmith, you are King Douche.  Make that unemployed King Douche.

Old and tired: The Personal is Political.

The new hotness: politeness.  Manners cost you nothing, King Douche.


libertyman said...

Class, today's lesson is: "Actions have consequences"

Now when this jerk interviews for a new job, people will say "Aren't you the guy in the YouTube video?" I guess this interview is over.

Ironically, he won't be able to secure a position at the drive up window himself.

George said...

I love that he kept berating her for her "hate." The irony, she is thick.

ProudHillbilly said...

I hope the poor girl he was so vile to sees how much support she had and how well people thought she handled it. And I'm glad his former company has a much better understanding of diversity and tolerance than he does.

Old NFO said...

+1 on Libertyman!!! :-) F him and good luck with that job app there douchebag!

Anonymous said...

It is rare that one sees the universe enact its "what you sow, you shall reap" law so quickly.

Call it want you want: it's certainly Biblical and it's what some call Karma, but it sure seems to be written into the Universe.

Jester said...

Well, this also illustrates not only the obvious problems that have been discussed, but it illustrates the problem many people have with going after the poor person trying to take care of them when they have done nothing wrong. Currently working in the VA myself there is a multitude of problems with people taking out their hate or rage at us working the front counters. And that's been something that continues to crop up in many other customer service situations. Typically it is not the person you are taking out your anger at that created the problem in the first place. One thing I was taught growing up is it is not acceptable to treat people like this gentleman did. I hardly expect that she is calling any shots at the cooperate level. Taking out your anger and frustration at the low rungs of any organization is counter productive when they are not trying to screw you over. If you have a problem with the company's policies the professional thing to do, and you would think this guy should know in the position he -was- in is to address it at a cooperate level. Failing that at the very least the store manager could field a professional letter or email. I wager that his employes that were under him are cheering currently as he comes off as a vicious little tyrant that can do nothing more than take it out on the lowest person on the totem pole. This small video I think should be used in schools of all sorts and businesses training for education and training future employees on two big things.
One: Your actions in this day and age will come back to haunt you if you make a public ass of yourself like this. You carry yourself and where you work out in public.

Two: Don't treat people like this that have nothing to do with your source of frustration, because it will not help you, and it is so horrifically unprofessional that you should be taken out and flogged.

Broken Andy said...

I love a story with a happy ending!

TJP said...

A tie is required attire in a corporate office to require one's brains from pouring out.