Friday, September 30, 2011

Drug dealers yes; medical marijuana users no

The ATF has an interesting idea of which people should be allowed to buy guns.

Now let's think about this for a second.  Seriously ill people, weak from chemotherapy, with a prescription from a doctor for a drug that can help them counter the terrible effects of their treatment - and which drug is attractive to shady, underworld thugs - no, those people are a serious risk to the community.

Selling guns to drug dealers, on the other hand, is the shiznit.  Just another day in the Bureau.

I think I know where we can find $1,147,295,000 to reduce the deficit.

Seriously, there are too many people working there, and especially too many stupid people working there.  Government employment should not be a subsidy to stupid people.  Just sayin'.


Alan said...

Leave the stupid people in government! The last thing we need is for the government to be more efficient.

If we have to have government I want it to be as stupid and ineffective as possible.

Rev. Paul said...

I fully agree with Alan, and there's this: stupidity seems to be a prerequisite to employment. It attracts them like honey does to flies.

Old NFO said...

Agee with both of the previous posters!!! Sigh

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's the stupid
people in government causing most
of the problems we are having now.