Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cold. No, hot. No, cold.

Charles at The Dog Ate My Data takes us on a trip down memory lane, showing what people have been saying about climate change over the last century.
It can be seen that that the print news media have warned of four seperate climate changes in just over 100 years - cooling, warming, cooling and warming once more.
Ah, but I'm sure that this time they have it right.

Charles has an interesting blog, focused solely on climate change. His approach will seem familiar to long time readers here:
This blog is a about Global Warming. The core issues are:

- Is the climate warming,
- Is the warming outside of historic norms
- Is it caused by anthropogenic CO2
- Will it result in global disaster as the IPCC insists

Only the first has been adequately answered.
Added to the blogroll here, under Science (of the not-junk category).


NotClauswitz said...


TOTWTYTR said...

So, the answers are Maybe, No, No, No?

Borepatch said...

TOTWTYTR, I'd say:

Probably not, other than rounding error
Absolutely not

But that's just me.

Actually, I'm not so sure of the first one, at least since 1940. We may have 70 years with no warming at all, which in my book would plausibly fall in the "there's no warming happening" bucket. But the jury's still out on that.

Charles said...

Hi Borepatch, Charles here (I usually post as TheSkyIsFalling). Many thanks for the post and the link back. I've been worried about this issue like many others for a long time and only recently became so upset with the AGW propgabda from the IPCC and lack of media coverage by the MSM that I felt it necessary to ease the anger by starting a blog.

I aim to put more countdown clocks for people making end of the world predictions (I think they really make a point) and calling idiotic predictions as I see them. I am also putting up data analysis (end of this month) that I am doing on the variance between raw temperature data here in Australia and the adjusted data of GISS and others - the reason this is an issue is that they have not disclosed precise justification for the adjustments and as the warming trend is inthe adjustments this is critical). I changed my call on the core issues as new revelations have come to hand in the loast couple of days:

Uknown - but probably not


Charles said...

PS - I have an animated graph up of Raw GHCN data v Adjusted GHCN data for my home city of Brisbane Australia up on my blog wich I think your readers might find of interest - it graphically highlights the switch from a downward RAW trend to upward ADJUSTED trend. Hmmmm...